Security and permissions

GitHub permissions

We require some permissions from oyur organization's GitHub repositories in order to generate development metrics and send code review comments as well as relevant alerts to the corresponding PR channel (such as new commits, review approvals, workflow run results, etc.). Understand why and how we use these OAuth scopes below:

Application scopes

Repository and Organization scopes

ActionsReadCheck workflow results to update the PR channel's associated bookmark.
AdministrationReadObtain GitHub teams to easily import them as Squads for Pullpo - Insights.
ContentsReadObtain the diff contents of a PR to generate an AI Review and Sumary of the changes in English. Deactivating this feature will prevent Pullpo from accesssing your code.
Dependabot alertsReadSend relevant alerts through the corresponding PR channel in Slack.
DiscussionsRead & WriteSynchronize messages with the correspondig PR channel in Slack.
IssuesRead & WriteSynchronize messages with the correspondig PR channel in Slack.
Pull requestsReadSend relevant alerts related to the pull request to the corresponing PR channel.
MembersReadObtain organization members so that they can be linked to Slack users.
Team discussionsRead & WriteSynchronize messages with the correspondig PR channel in Slack.
Email addressesReadPullpo user creation.


MetaDetect when Pullpo is deleted from an organization.
Discussion commentSynchronize a new message with the correspondig PR channel in Slack.
Dependabot alertSend relevant alerts through the corresponding PR channel in Slack.
Issue commentSynchronize a new message with the correspondig PR channel in Slack.
OrganizationDetect when a new member enters the organization so that it can be linked to a Slack user.
Pull requestCreate a PR channel when a new pull request is opened and archive them when it's merged or closed.
Pull request reviewSend a review approved alert through the corresponding PR channel in Slack.
Pull request review commentSynchronize a new code-related message with the correspondig PR channel in Slack.
Pull request review threadSend responses to code-review threads on the corresponding PR channel in Slack.
Workflow runSend workflow results through the corresponding PR channel in Slack.
Slack permissions
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