Security and permissions

Slack permissions

To maintain a seamless communication experience for developers we synchronize conversations between Slack and GitHub. To do so, we require some permissions from your organization's Slack workspace. Understand why and how we use these OAuth scopes below:

Application scopes

Bot scopes

Bot scopesReason
bookmarks:readRead bookmarks in PR channels created by Pullpo in order to update them with relevant information.
bookmarks:writeUpdate bookmarks in PR channels with relevant information.
channels:historyView messages in public PR channels that @Pullpo has created to synchronize the conversation with GitHub.
channels:manageCreate a public PR channel when a new pull request is opened and archive them when it's merged or closed.
channels:readCheck the state of public PR channels: what members it has and if it is archived (e.g. when a pull request is reopened).
chat:writeSend messages through PR channels as @Pullpo with relevant information (alerts for: new commits, approved reviews, etc.).
chat:write.publicSend relevant alerts through public channels as @Pullpo.
groups:historyView messages in private PR channels taht @Pullpo has created to synchronize the conversation with GitHub.
groups:readCheck the state of private PR channels: what members it has and if it is archived (e.g. when a pull request is reopened).
groups:writeCreate a private PR channel when a new pull request is opened and archive them when it's merged or closed.
im:readReceive direct messages sent to @Pullpo.
im:writeSend individual insight requests to members when there is a significant deviation from a squad's metrics.
team:readObtain information about the organization that installs Pullpo to personalize some aspects of the application.
users:readView people in the workspace to be able to link their identifiers to the corresponding GitHub identifiers.


message.channelsSend the new message in a public PR channel to the corresponding GitHub PR discussion page.
message.groupsSend the new message in a private PR channel to the corresponding GitHub PR discussion page.
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